
Baby in Tune™ is geared for 0-8 month old babies with a Good Morning song, tummy time songs, Peekaboo, and so many more you will utilize throughout the first year to strengthen your bond and tune into your baby’s cues. 

The class is also for the purpose of connecting with other parents in similar stages and adding to your village to help normalize the challenges of early parenthood and celebrate the meaningful moments.  Each class will provide concrete songs and manageable tools to encourage little landing points of connection throughout the day. 10 weeks // 45 minute classes

Love Series Fill your baby's ears with Love!  There is nothing more magical than seeing your little one feel loved by you, and teaching them songs of love.  Peek-a-boo, blowing kisses, bear hugs, and affirmations, I can’t wait for these songs to become part of your repertoire and memories.  We're going to incorporate body identification, sensory experiences, instrument exploration, and so many songs that will fill your baby's ears with love and joy.  This will be a special way for caregivers to bond with their little one and learn songs to share with the whole family. 8 weeks // 45 minutes

Sing into Spring
Join an 8 class series of songs for spring and growth as your little one grows.  Join me as I introduce songs inspired by wind and rain, bugs and bunnies, butterflies and bees, rainbows and Raffi.  Using finger play, targeting sounds, and providing motor movement and instrument exploration, we will expand your repertoire of songs and of playfulness with your child as they grow.  In addition, does it ever feel like you pack your child up and then turn around to leave again just as they’re warming up? Class includes a playdate extension for parents and kids to get outdoors, socialize, and explore in the sand table, water table, bubbles, and more. 8 weeks // 75 minutes

What you’ll get out of this curriculum:

  • Confidence in your skills

  • Joyfulness in your baby

  • Applicable tools and tips

  • A Playlist of music for home

  • Likeminded friends

  • A come as you are environment

  • Baby in Tune™

    0-8 months old
    10 classes // starts April 12th
    Fridays @ 12pm
    Silver Spring, MD near Capitol View-Homewood Park


  • Baby in Tune™

    0-8 months old
    10 classes // starts June 26th
    Silver Spring, MD

    Let me know you’re interested!

  • Sing into Spring

    8-24 months old
    8 classes // starts April
    Friday @ 10:30am
    Silver Spring, MD near Capitol View-Homewood Park

    Registration now Open!

  • Love Series @ SSDS

    7-24 months old
    8 classes // starts March 6th
    Wednesdays @ 12:30pm
    Silver Spring Day School

    Registration closed